We all have so much wrapped inside and sometimes it takes just another friendly face to push you along through your journey. In many areas of my life, I have needed someone to come along, grab me by the hand to send me a simple...you can do it!
I want you to know today that YOU CAN DO IT! Do you believe that? Well, I do and if I can instill anything in you today...it is that very thing!
There have been many obstacles that seemed to have been above reach. Even today, there are some things that seem to be unobtainable. However, I have a full grasp of the fact that the plan for my life is HUGE. I can do it! I will do it and it is so. You must also know that the plan for your life if HUGE! You can do it! You will do it and it is so!
As I am typing this right now, I feel that someone believes that it is too late or that they have wasted too much time..... Well, let me just tell you that the time is NOW! Not just now but RIGHT NOW!
Do not give up, do not be discouraged, do not delay....let's get moving!!! YOU CAN DO IT! When you first believe a thing, it makes it possible for you to reach that thing!
Let's take a minute to visualize all of the grand stuff that you would like to see changed. Got it? OK, now, let't take a moment to see ourselves in that change. Doesn't that look and feel amazing! Now, it's time to implement some new strategies to obtain that which is before you. This is gonna be good!!!! I feel it already!
If I can do it, so can you! I will tell you that through the years, I have lost some things, been down in the dumps and so much more. I mean just feeling outright "stinky".....
I remember when I would allow the woe is me syndrome to encompass all that I had. Well today, I am new creature and I want you to know that you can become New as well! So, to know me is to know that I want you to be RESTORED!!!!