Monday, July 9, 2012

Message ~ Home Inspection

Wow....I just checked my emails to find that I received a message titled.... "Home Inspection...etc" Now this one spoke loud and clear to me. As a realtor, I receive tons of mail regarding solicitations from other vendors in regards to homes, the home buying process, transactional needs and much, much more.... For some reason, this on today really hit home. As a Christian, I realize that only what I do for Christ will last. I also realize that some things that I try to do, there is no strength as I try to do it all on my own. Well...I am committed to doing my work by the strength of the Lord. Who can match up to that? Definitely not I! Now, you may be trying to figure out...How does this all tie together???? Here Goes..... When was the last time that you had a "HOME INSPECTION"? I mean, when was the last time you looked to the Lord and is time to get down and dirty. I mean Lord, I am asking you to purge me of me so that I can move and operate according to your will for my life and my endeavors. Sometimes, we get so caught up that we miss the mark because we allow self to hinder HIS desire for our lives. Today, I look at the subtle word that popped through on my email and ask Him to come in and do a home inspection. It is time to clean some things up; it is time to look into the crevices to see what is going on. What are my thoughts? Where is all this heading? Is there any blockages? Relationship in this hour, minute, second is key!!! Let's get our homes inspected so that we can be free of anything that would try to hinder our growth!!! It is time for us to be successful, content and free in all that we do!!! Love Ya and Remember.... NOTHING IN REAL ESTATE IS HARD WHEN DONE "D.EASLEY" WAY!!!! Contact Info: 856.227.1950 ext. 265 856.220.0268 (cell)